Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Race For Texas

Through the last couple of months I have been hearing a lot about the race for governor of Texas. It appears that Rick Perry has a decisive lead over the two other candidates Kay Hutchinson and Debra Medina. While we vote for the primaries for the governor on March 2nd there will also be voting for about 200 other legislative spots. There are a surprising number of close races during the primaries. It is crazy that this is only a primary race but things already get so competitive and hectic. I don’t think I have every paid this much attention to a primary besides the presidential. Everyone will be paying close attention to the governor race but I believe that we should all take a look on our representatives and make an informed decision on the people that could affect our lives. We may not know their name now but we should know what they are going to do for our community.

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